Time flies, yet again. My 18th season as a parent colunteer with Deerfield Dolphins Swim team started today with time trials.
A year ago, at this time I was preparing to close out my career in public education.
Next weekend I will participate in my first high school graduation as a faculty member, not a parent. I had four seniors in my Anat/Physio class this year. One is headed to A&M, one to Baylor, one to Texas Tech, and one to Texas State. Two plan careers in the medical field, the other two in something non-science related. They will all do exceedingly well because they had an awesome A/P teacher this year! ;-) Not really - they will all do exceedingly well because they are awesome young adults with a solid foundation and some pretty amazing people behind them in tremendous supporting roles (aka parents). So Julia, Helcio, Sean, and Allison - goodbye, good luck, and much success in all you do. It has been my pleasure to have you in my class this year. You four and the juniors made my A period on Crimson days a great way to start the week!
Indian-spiced potato gratin
2 days ago